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Patrick's Rare Books

Taylor, Medical Jurisprudence, 1853

Taylor, Medical Jurisprudence, 1853

Medical Jurisprudence. By Alfred S. Taylor, M.D. F.R.S. Hon. M.D. Univ. St. Andrews; Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians; Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, and Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence and Chemistry in Guy’s Hospital. Third American, from the Fourth London Edition. Edited, with Additions, by Edward Hartshorne, M. D. Onoe of the Surgeons of Wills’ Hospital, Etc., Etc. Philadelphia: Blanchard and Lea. 1853. 


Original full brown leather with black title label on spine. Boards stained and marked. Joints and hinges strong. Owner’s penciled inscription on ffep dated March 5, 1881. Top corner of ffep torn away. Mild foxing. Binding tight. 


Xvi, 621, blank, 32 pp ads.


See G-M 1738 for the first edition of 1836: “Alfred Swaine Taylor (1806 - 1880) The standard English work on the subject for generations, translated, expanded and used worldwide; thirteenth edition, Principles and practice of medical jurisprudence, appeared in 1984.” 


See also Heirs 1693: “Taylor traveled widely in Europe both during and after his medical studies at the united medical school of Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospitals. He attended lectures in Paris, made a brief geological survey of Auvergne, visited the medical school at Montpellier, and then went to Naples where he studied for nine months and published two papers in Italian. Taylor's interest in forensic medicine led to his appointment to the first chair of medical jurisprudence at Guy's in 1831, soon after his return from Europe. It was the first chair in that subject in London and Taylor held the post until he retired in 1878. He was also an expert chemist and lectured on that subject at Guy's for over thirty-five years. His two major works, Elements of medical jurisprudence (London, 1836) and Poisons in relation to medical jurisprudence and medicine (London, 1848), became standard works during his lifetime because they systematized legal principles and court rulings so skillfully with toxicological data and anatomical and pathological findings.” 


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