COMPENDIO DI TVTTA LA CIRVGIA Per Pietro & Lodonico Rostini, Medici, estratto da tutti coloro, che di essa hanno scritto. Et dall Eccell. D. & Caualiero M. Leonardo Fiorauanti Bolognese, ampliato di bellissimi discorsi: & aggiuntoui vn nuouo Trattato a* professori di tal arte molto vtile, e necessario. Con la Tauola copiosissima delle cose più notabili, & con li dissegni de gli instromenti, chepiu si conuengono à Cirugici. DINVOVORISTAMPATO, & con diligenza corretto. CONSEGRATA Al Illustrissimo Signor DOMENICO MARCHETTI LETTORE DI MEDICINA nello Studio di Padoua. IN VENETIA, M. DC. LXXVII. Per Gio: Battista Brigna. Con Licenza de’ Superiori, e Priuilegio.
Full brown leather over boards. Gold text on spine, publication date at tail. Hinges strong. Copious early ink annotations on front and rear blanks, as well as rear of title. One possibly citing Tulp (?). One prelim with paper repair. Decorative capitals throughout. Eight xylographic plates of surgical instruments. Clean, bright, and tight throughout with well-retained margins. Plates particularly clean.
Ffep, blank, title, (30), 8 plates, 368, blank, rfep.
Not in G-M, Waller, or Heirs, but see Heirs 360: Domineco De Marchetti (1626-1688) was Johann Vesling’s assistant until he succeeded Vesling in the chair of anatomy at Padua in 1649. Son of the well-known Paduan professor and surgeon Pietro de Marchetti (1589-1673)…. He was one of the first anatomists in Italy to use the wax injection techniques of Swammerdam and Ruysch.”
4 1/8 x 6 x 1 1/8 inches