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Patrick's Rare Books

Manget, Bibliotheca medico-practica, 1695-1698

Jo. Jac. Manget, M. D. bibliotheca Medico-Practica Sive Rerum Medicarum Thesaurus Cumulatissimus Omnes Prorsus Humani Corporis Morbosae Affectiones tum artem medicam in genere, tum chirurgicam in specie, spectantes ordine alphabetico explicantur. Et per curationes, consilia, observationes, ac cadaverum anatomicas inspectiones, tam hinc inde proprias, quam a variis, iisque praestantissimis authoribus, veteribus & recentioribus petitas, abunde imo & curiose tractantir. [Tomus Primus, Secundus, Tertius, and Quartus]. Genevae. Sumptibus Joannis Anthonii Chaouet. 1695 (vols 1 and 2), 1696 (vol 3), and 1698 (vol 4). 


Four folio volumes in vellum, later rebacked with thick cardstock, and with original labels laid down. Vellum a bit stained and scuffed, with small points of peeling (revealing underlying manuscript waste) at bottom and spine of two volumes. Red page edges. Mild shelf wear. New end papers. Title pages in red and blank with printer’s device. Decorative finis tailpieces. Variable toning and foxing, but mostly bright. Bindings tight. Vol 2 trimmed into text on top of title page. Small area of worming on last original blank in vol 3 and preceding few leaves—affecting only a couple letters. Tape repair in gutter of vol 4 title page. Leaves gg3 and gg3 with slightly tattered fore-edge sticking out beyond rest of text block, but leaves are secure to binding. Early scraps of manuscript (like 17th or 18th century) used as bookmarks (?) between pages 68 and 69 of vol 1 and 190-191 of vol 4. 


Vol 1: new ffep, new blank, title, half title, (6), 1230, blank, new blank, new rfep; Vol 2: new ffep, new blank, blank, 1162, blank, blank, new blank, new rfep; Vol 3: new ffep, new blank, blank, 872, blank, new blank, new rfep; Vol 4: new ffep, new blank, blank, 1133, blank, new blank, new rfep. 


Xylograph of tarantulas on page 618 of vol 4. 


Heirs 442, Jean Jacques Manget (1652-1742): “Manget, a Swiss physician and savant, specialized in encyclopedic works and collections of the works of scientists and medical writers, but he also made some purely medical contributions, particularly on tuberculosis. The present work is an encyclopedia of practical medicine and surgery, arranged alphabetically by disease. Almost nothing is omitted, ranging as it does from abortus to vulnus, and including even stupidity!”  


We also note other interesting topics: melancholy, lycanthropy, hermaphrodites, syphilis, molar pregnancy, tarantulas, angina, head ache, fever, plague, cardiology, hemorrhage, calculi, nephritis, gangrene, seizures, and hiccups. Cited experts range from antiquity (Galen, Hippocrates) to the 17th century (Tulp, Meekren). Autopsies (including judicial) cited throughout. Prescriptions include use of bezoars and human cranium as ingredients. Text in Latin, with Greek scattered throughout. 


Each volume approximately 13 3/8 inches tall. 


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