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Patrick's Rare Books

King James Bible, 1634 folio, the fourth 59-line Bible

King James Bible, 1634 folio, the fourth 59-line Bible

The Holy bible, Containing the Old Testament, and the New: Newly Translated out of the Originall Tongues: And with the former Translations diligently compared and reuised, By his Maiesties speciall Commandment. Appointed to be read in Churches. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie: and by the Assignes of Iohn bill. Anno Dom. 1634. Cum Privilegio. 


New Testament title page reads “The Newe Testament of our Lord and Sauiour Iesvs Christ. Newly Translated out of the Originall Greeke:” [and thereafter same as the general title page]. 


General and New Testament engraved tile pages present. Decorative capitals, head & tail pieces. Prelims in red and black. Set in two columns of 59 lines. Black letter. 

Folio in early (original?) full brown leather over boards. Blind stamped. Raised bands on spine. Several areas of scratching and scuffing, particularly on rear board. Tears and losses of leather at head and tail of spine, and along middle of front joint. Peeling near bottom of front joint. Hinges cracked. Joints secure. Lacking 6D5 & 6D6 (final two leaves of Revelation). Ffep and general title page attached but coming loose. Ffep with folds. Prior owner’s inscriptions and names (Wheeler family) on front paste down (prescription for whooping cough) and verso of title page (with a birth and death note of 1804 – 1809). Vertical closed tears to gutter D1 (prelim), and 3M4. 5K6-6A5 with frayed leaves and damp stain. Vertical tear near tail of gutter progressing gradually from 5I6 – 6A5, slightly involving marginal text. Many corners with creases, and a few thumbed with losses just barely into the Biblical text. Scattered worming and damp stains, mostly in prelims and epistles through Apocalypse—most of the Biblical leaves are fresh and bright. End papers tattered and creased. 


Ffep, A-B^4, C^6, A – Cccccc^6, Dddddd^4, rfep. 


Darlow & Moule 376 “the fourth distinct folio edition printed in large black-letter, of King James’6 version.” Herbert 487. Signatures as in 1617 edition. New Royal Arms with copyright preceding dedication. D1b = “These to bee observed.” D4a = “To finde Easter for ever.” Heb xii:1 = “runne with patience the race” instead of “unto the race.” 


A 59-line King James Bible, following the 1617, 1613, and 1611 respectively. A smaller font 72-line edition was also issued in 1617. 


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