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Patrick's Rare Books

Hamilton, Military Surgery, 1865, inscribed by author

Hamilton, Military Surgery, 1865, inscribed by author

A Treatise on Military Surgery and Hygiene. Frank Hastings Hamilton, M.D. Late Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Inspector U.S.A …etc.... Illustrated with 127 Engravings. New York: Bailliere Brothers, 520 Broadway. Etc. 1865. 


Inscribed by the author on the title to W C Squire. Subsequently Inscribed by Squire on the front blank to D M Burgess MD. Book plate of M G Burgess, MD loose inside (recovered form original binding). 


Modern rebind in full green cloth with gold text on spine. Blind stamped boards. Some scattered faint stains on boards. New end papers. Variably foxed and toned. A few small marginal damp stains. Binding tight throughout. Black and white figures scattered throughout text. At the end is an appendix which includes several topics, one of particular historic interest is on "colored troops" with commentary on the authors observations compared to common beliefs about work ethic and abilities of negroes and slaves compared to whites. 648 pages.


Not in Heirs or G-M. However, see several G-M entries (4420, 1742, and 5747) for the author, Frank Hastings Hamilton (1813-1866). He was a medical inspector for the US Army, later professor of surgery at Bellvue, among the first to treat cutaneous ulcers by skin  graft, and wrote "The first comprehensive treatise in English on the treatment of fractures and dislocations."



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