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Patrick's Rare Books

Green, Morbid Anatomy, 1889

An Introduction to Pathology and Morbid Anatomy. By T. Henry Green, M. D. Physician to Charin Cross Hospital, and to the Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Brompton; examiner in medicine to the Conjoint Examining Board for England, late lecturer on pathology and morbid anatomy at Charing Cross Hospital Medical School. Sixth American from the Seventh English Edition, Revised and enlarged by Stanley Boyd, M. B., B.S. Lond., F.R.C.S. Eng., Senior assistant-surgeon to Charing Cross Hospital, and surgeon to the Paddington Green Hospital for Children; lecturer on anatomy in the Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, and formerly pathologist to the hospital. Illustrated by One hundred and sixty-seven fine engravings. Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co. 1889. 


Blue cloth-bound octavo with gold text on spine. Top edge a bit tattered. Mild fading at bottom edges. Bottom corners bumped and top corners splitting. Internal hinges cracking. External hinges strong. Clean, bright, and tight interior throughout. Publisher’s advertisements at rear. 


A popular textbook on pathology and morbid anatomy which went through numerous editions in England and America. What is now called pathology in medical practice was previously more rigorously defined and delineated from other branches of study. Pathology being the study of disease processes, the clinical practice divides into gross pathology (macroscopic) and histopathology (microscopic). What is now called gross pathology was formerly called morbid anatomy. 


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