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Patrick's Rare Books

Geneva Bible, 1581

Geneva Bible, 1581

The Bible in English (Geneva Version). Containing: 


Incomplete Book of Common Prayer (?) bound at front [commencing with the last portion for Buriall of the Dead, A Commination, The Psalms of David, of that translation which is commonly used in the Church, then Godly Prayers], followed by How to take profite in reading of the holy Scriptures, and Of the incomparable treasure of the holy Scripture (poem), [lacking main title], Genesis – Malachi, Apocrypha, New Testament Title, The summe of the whole Scripture, Certain questions and answeres touching the doctrine of Predestination, Matthew – Revelation, The Preface to the Christian Reader, touching on the two Alphabets ensuing, The first Alphabet, The second Alphabet, The Whole Book of Psalmes, collected into English meter by T. Sternhold. I. Hopkins, and others [lacking all after the second part of Psalm cxviii]. 


Recently rebound in full brown leather with raised bands and title label on spine. New end papers. Some minor scuffs to leather. First leaf of Genesis torn obliquely and lacking about 60%. First leaf of Matthew torn away with only partial text along gutter remaining (preceding leaf only slightly less damaged). Significant damp stain affecting every leaf. Large tears with text loss at bottom of A5g, Kk1, Ll2, Ddd2, Sss6, and K7 (in second Table). Kkk2 and F8 (in Psalms in English Meter) torn at top and fore-edge with loss of marginal notes/text. *4 extensively torn with only about 2/3 remaining. T6, Dd4, and Kkk1 fragmented with only about half remaining. Burned lacunae in Ppp4 and 5. Sss4 torn at bottom and fore-edge with loss of marginal notes. New Testament title page extensively torn across top half, but crudely taped back together with old sticker on blank verso. Numerous other smaller folds, tears, and stains throughout. Scattered marginalia and doodles in an early hand, frequently trimmed. Margins trimmed nearly to notes in Bible, and into text in Tables. Lacking all before C2, Sss3, A8 (in first Table), and all after F8 (in metrical Psalms). Sample foliation errors: fol. 380 paginated as 308. 408 as 308, 434 on verso of 433, such that 435 is really 434 .


Cii-C8, D-E^8, F^6, A – Hhh^8, Iii^2, *^4, Kkk – Zzz^8, A – Yyy^8, Zzz^10, A^7, B – F^8 

Herbert 170 (being a close reprint of Herbert 165, and collation and foliation closely follow that entry) 


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