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Patrick's Rare Books

1597 Geneva Bible, with partial folk binding

1597 Geneva Bible, with partial folk binding

The Bible: Translated according to the Ebrew and Greek, and conferred with the best translations in divers Languages. With most profitable Annotations upon all the hard places, and other things of great importance, as may appear in the Epistle to the Reader. And also a most profitable Concordance for the readie finding out of any thing in the same conteined. Imprinted at London, by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printed to the Queenes most excellent maiestie. 1597. Cum gratia & privilegio Regiae Maiestatis. 


Geneva bible bound with Book of Common Prayer (incomplete), Concordances, and incomplete Psalms in English Metre. Includes Apocrypha. 


C-E^8, ()^2, A-Hhh^8, Iii^5, Kkk^8, Lll^7, Mmm-Yyy^8, Zzz^10, A-K^8, L^2, A-F^8, G, later rfep. 


Later full brown leather with partial folk binding (coarse brown fabric stitched over leather spine). Engraved main title. Titles to Concordances and Metrical Psalms. Leather scuffed. Chipped corners. Cracked hinges and joints. Blue end papers. Two later slips of paper pasted to front paste down. Writing in various early hands on main title, E8(v), Iii2(v), verso of concordance title, and sparsely as marginalia. Variably trimmed into marginal notes. Lacks Gg8, Hh1, Xxx8. Catchwords and verses are complete at odd numbered signatures. Gg7 with lower outer corner tear and loss involving six lines. Aa1 gutter tear. Focal old mildew in gutter at S2(v). Gutter toned B2-B5(v). Kk1 gutter tear into text. Kk8 tear with loss of marginal note. Kk6 large tear with loss at top. Dd3 top corner tear with loss of cross reference on verso. Rrr8 closed gutter tear.


Herbert 234. 


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