Clarke, Martyrology, 1652
A Martyrologie, Containing a Collection of all the Persecutions Which have Befallen the Church of England Since the First Plantation of the Gospel to the end of Queen Maries Reign. Whereunto are added the Lives of Jasper Coligni Admiral of France, who was slain in the Massacre of Paris. And of Joane Queen of Navarre, who died of Poyson a few days before that bloody Massacre. Togeher With the Lives of ten of our English Divines, Famous in their Generations for Learning, Piety, Parts, and for their Sufferings in the Cause of Christ. By Samuel Clarke, Pastor of Bennet Fink London. London, Printed by T. Ratcliffe and E. Motershed, and are to be sold by John Browne at the guilded Acorn, neer the little North-doore in Pauls Church-yard. 1652.
Small folio in modern speckled Cambridge binding with red title label and gold texts and bands on spine. New end papers. Thumbed corners to first few leaves. Some small gutter tears and minor worming to first few leaves, with slight loss of text. Old repair to pg 159. Two inch tear at bottom of 281/282 without loss of text. Mild toning. A few small smudges here and there. 18 and 19 with early brown and red marginal scribbles. Rare other marks and manicule. Binding tight throughout. Pages ruled in black.
Pagination errors: 359 as 356. 209 as 109.
New ffep, title, (2) 364 (26) 520, title, 150, new rfep. 8 plates of torture (numbered as 9, no plate 6). 7 plates of portraits of divines.