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Patrick's Rare Books

Calvin, Commentary on Hebrews, 1605

Calvin, Commentary on Hebrews, 1605

COMMENTARIE ON THE WHOLE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREVVES. By M. JOHN CALVIN. TRANSLATED OUT OF FRENCH. The lawe was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. John 1.17. Imprinted at London by FELIX KINGSTON, for Arthur Johnson, and are to be sold at his shop neere the great North doore of Pauls, at the signe of the white Horse. 1605.


Later full leather over boards with blind tooling, raised bands, and gold text on spine. A few minor blemishes to boards. New end papers. Sparse underlining and English marginalia in an early hand. Heads of leaves trimmed a bit close to titles at a few points, otherwise margins still ample. Mild toning mostly affecting index leaves at rear. Clean, bright, and tight throughout.


Ffep, blank, title, (7), 335, (11), rfep. Lacks original final blank, otherwise complete.

John Calvin (Jean Cauvin), 1509-1564, was a French reformer in Geneva. Calvin studied biblical languages and classical and Christian antiquity in Paris at the College Royal. His Institutes of the Christian Religion was first published in 1536 and has never been out of print. His reputation in exegesis remains strong, as demonstrated by the popularity of his commentaries on the Bible, often republished and translated. A major subset of Reformed Protestantism is eponymously called Calvinism. (See Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, vol 1).


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