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Patrick's Rare Books

Bell, The Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body, 1829

Bell, The Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body, 1829

The Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body. By John and Charles Bell. The Seventh Edition: in Which the Whole is More Perfectly Systematized and Corrected by Charles Bell, F.R.S.L.&E. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of London and Edinburgh; Professor of Physiology ad Surgery to the University of London; Formerly Professor of Anatomy and Surgery to the Royal College of Surgeons of London; and Surgeon of the Middlesex Hospital. In three volumes. London: Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Gree, Paternoster-Row; and T. Cadell, Strand. 1829.


Three volumes in half brown leather with marbled boards. Raised bands and dark red and black title labels on spines. New end papers. Ex libris (book plates of Dr. Nicholas Tower). Recent restorations to previously-crumbling spines, hinges, and chipped corners. Paper repairs of two folding plates. Some toning of boards at interfaces with leather. Pencil notations on original first blank in each volume. Small hole in first original blank of vols 2 & 3. Damp stain at top of first plate in vol 2, affecting plate title but not image. Mild toning and foxing of original end papers and plates. Text leaves mostly very bright with minimal foxing. Bindings tight. 


Vol 1: new ffep, original blank, title, xxxiv, 604, blank, new rfep. Numerous figures. Plate 1 follows pg 524. 


Vol 2: new ffep, original blank, title, xvi, 591, blank, new rfep. Numerous figures. Plate 1 follows pg 391 folding and repaired. Plate 2 follows pg 399 folding and repaired. Unnumbered plate at pg 20 (reads Vol II p13). 


Vol 3: new ffep, original blank, title, xii, 471, original blank, new rfep. Numerous figures. 6 plates at rear. 


John Bell (1763-1820) and Charles Bell (1774-1842) “An eminent Scottish anatomist and surgeon, John Bell exerted great influence on the development of British surgery, particularly through his work on surgical pathology He had a special interest in surgery of the blood vessels and was the first to ligate the gluteal artery. An excellent artist, like his even more famous younger brother, Sir Charles Bell, he illustrated his own books, and his engravings of the different parts and organs of the human body are landmarks in the history of anatomic illustration. Bell’s Anatomy of the Human Body was first published from 1793 to 1803 and was reissued in 1811 with an additional volume by Sir Charles Bell and illustrations by the authors themselves.” (Heirs 727). 


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