Books about blood (A Vampire's Library?), 10 volumes
Memoirs For The Natural History of Humane Blood, Especially The Spirit of That Liquor. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society. London 1683/4. Facsimile edition from the Classics of Medicine Library. 1990.
A Dissertation on the Motion of the Blood, and on the Effects of Bleeding. Verified by Experiments made on Living Animals. To which are added, Observations on the Heart, proving that Irritability is the primary Cause of its Motion. By the Celebrated Dr. Alb. Haller. President of the Royal Society of Sciences at Gottingen, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, Fellow of the Royal Societies of London, Berlin, Stockholm, &c. Translated by a Physician. London: 1757. Facsimile edition from the Classics of Medicine Library. 1998.
Experiments upon the Circulation of the Blood, Throughout the Vascular System: on Languid Circulation: on the Motion of the Blood, Independent of the Action of the Heart: and on the Pulsations of the Arteries. By the Abbe Spallanzani. With Notes, and a Sketch of the Literary Life of the Author; By J. Tourneys, M.D. Translated into English, and Illustrated with Additional Notes; By R. Hall, M.D. &c.
London: 1801. Facsimile. Gryphon Editions. 2002.
Exercitatio Anatomica De Motu Cordis Et Sanguinis In Animalibus, Guilielmi Harvei Angli, Medici Regis, & Professoris Anatolia in Collegio Medicorum Londinensi. Originally 1628. William Harvey’s On the Motion of the Heart and Blood. Facsimile edition from the Classics of Medicine Library. 1978.
Researchers on the Effects of Bloodletting in some Inflammatory Diseases, and on the Influence of Tartarized Antimony and Vesication in Pneumonitis. By P. Ch. A. Louis, ... Translated by C. G. Putnam, M. D. With Preface and Appendix by James Jackson, M. D. Boston 1836. Facsimile edition from the Classics of Medicine Library. 1986.
Lectures on the Blood: and on the Changes which it Undergoes During Disease. Delivered at The College of France in 1837-8. By F. Magendie, M.D. Philadelphia: 1839. Facsimile edition from the Classics of Medicine Library. 1996.
The Study of the Pulse, Arterial, Venous, and Hepatic, and of the Movements of the Heart. By James Mackenzie, M.D. (Edin.). Originally 1902. Facsimile edition from the Classics of Medicine Library.
The Pressure Pulses in the Cardiovascular System. By Carl J. Wiggers, M.D. ... With Diagrams and Illustrations. Originally 1928. Facsimile edition from the Classics of Medicine Library.
The Blood Vessels of the Human Skin and Their Responses. By Thomas Lewis, M.D., F.R.S. London, 1927. Facsimile edition from the Classics of Medicine Library. 1992.
A Treatise on the Blood, Inflammation, and Gun-Shot Wounds, By the Late John Hunter. To Which is Prefixed, A Short Account of the Author’s Life, by his Brother-in-law, Everard Home. London: 1794. Facsimile edition from the Classics of Medicine Library. 1982.
All full leather bindings with marbled end papers, ribbon page markers, and gilt page edges. Some with original owner’s bookplate, some without. Some light white-gray translucent discoloration speckled about spine of the Hunter volume. Otherwise all in very good condition.